
טשיינאַ (שעניאַנג) אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער טיי ינדאַסטרי עקספּאָ 2024

From July 26, 2024 until July 29, 2024
שעניאַנג - שעניאַנג ניו וועלט עקסהיביטיאָן האַלל, ליאַאָנינג, טשיינאַ
(ביטע טאָפּל טשעק די דאַטעס און אָרט אויף דער באַאַמטער פּלאַץ אונטן איידער איר אָנטייל נעמען.)


1. Shenyang Population: According to "Shenyang 2011, Sixth National Census, Main Data Bulletin", Shenyang's permanent population at 0:00 am on November 1, 2010, was 8,106.171. The male population of Shenyang is 4,095,172 people, which is 50.52%; the females are 4,010,999 and they account for 49.48%. There are 1,652,900 graduates with a degree from a university (referring to junior colleges or higher); 1,465,719 with a degree from a high-school (including a technical secondary school); 3343,252 with a degree of junior high; and 1,213,643 with a degree of primary school (the various levels of education include students, graduates and undergraduates). Shenyang had a permanent population of 8.1062 millions in 2018, an increase of 0.3% compared to the end of last year. The population registered is 7.46 millions, an increase by 1.2%. The urban population is 6.01 million and the county population (city) is 1.46 million. Males are 3.674 and females 3.786. The birth rate in 2010 was 8.00%0 - down 0.79 points per 1,000 points from last year. The sex ratio was 105.7 at birth. Natural population growth was -0.61%0. This is an increase of 1,92 percentage points.

2. שעניאַנג אַדמיניסטראַטיווע דיוויזשאַן: שעניאַנג סיטי האט דזשוריסדיקשאַן איבער 13 קאָונטי-מדרגה אַדמיניסטראַטיווע דיסטריקץ, אַרייַנגערעכנט 10 שטאָטיש דיסטריקץ, 1 קאָונטי-מדרגה שטאָט, און 2 קאַונטיז. שעניאַנג מוניסיפּאַל מענטשן ס רעגירונג קענען זיין געפֿונען אין נומ שענזשאָנג סטריט איז ליגן אין נומ.

3. Shenyang Economy Shenyang, the capital of Northeast China is also the city at the heart of the Shenyang Economic Zone. It is situated in the middle of the Northeast Asia Economic Circle (NEAC) and the Bohai Ring Economic Circle. This gives it a strategic location and enables it to offer a wide range of industrial categories. Shenyang was one of several national heavy industries built by the government in the early years of the People's Republic of China. Shenyang has reached 142 industrial categories after decades of development. In 2013, the regional GDP was more than 700 billion Yuan, and there were more than 4,000 enterprises that exceeded the designated size. Shenyang National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone was upgraded in April 2016 from Shenyang Technology Industrial Development Zone to Dalian Technology Industrial Zone. It is now one of China's 14 independent national innovation demonstration zones. Shenyang University Demonstration Zone has been positioned as a "four districts and one centre", namely the high-end equipment R&D cluster area and manufacturing area of Northeast Old Industrial Base. The transformation and upgrading zone of Northeast Old Industrial Base. Northeast Asia Regional Science and Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center. According to the Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Statistics' unified accounting, Shenyang’s regional GDP for 2019 was 647.03 yuan. This represents a 4.2% increase over the previous year, based on comparable price. According to the Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Statistics, Shenyang's regional GDP in 2019 was 647.03 billion yuan. This represents a 4.2% increase over the previous year based on comparable prices. The Provincial Bureau of Statistics, based on data from the Fourth National Economic Census (the Fourth National Census), revised the preliminary calculation of Shenyang’s regional GDP for 2018: The city's GDP was 610.19 yuan. The added value for the primary industry in 2018 was 26.01 bn yuan, the added values of the secondary and tertiary industries were 208.55 bn yuan, respectively. In 2018,.

היץ: קסנומקס

רעגיסטרירן פֿאַר טיקיץ אָדער בוטס

ביטע פאַרשרייַבן אויף דער באַאַמטער וועבזייטל פון טשיינאַ (שעניאַנג) אינטערנאַציאָנאַלער טיי ינדאַסטרי עקספּאָ

אָרט מאַפּע און האָטעלס אַרום

שעניאַנג - שעניאַנג ניו וועלט עקסהיביטיאָן האַלל, ליאַאָנינג, טשיינאַ שעניאַנג - שעניאַנג ניו וועלט עקסהיביטיאָן האַלל, ליאַאָנינג, טשיינאַ


הימנשו בשט
העלא מאַנשאַפֿט,

מיר וואָלט ווי צו פאַרשרייַבן פֿאַר די ויסשטעלונג געשעעניש אין דיין לאַנד.

שוועטאַ גאַור
העלא מאַנשאַפֿט, מיר וואָלט ווי צו פאַרשרייַבן פֿאַר די געשעעניש געשעעניש.

800 טשאַראַקטער לינקס